Suzanne Petri Cabaret Show Stoppers
“An Evening with Marlene Dietrich” The Actress, The Music, The Desire
“ [Petri’s] throaty lyricism, sophisticated delivery and passionate belief in her artistry brought Marlene to life right before our eyes and ears” Songs include: The Laziest Gal In Town, La Vie En Rose, Honeysuckle Rose, Falling In Love Again, Black Market, Lilli Marlene & Jonny.
“On The Highway of Life…A Musical Journey”
Award winning Cabaret artists Ms. Petri and Mr. Bob Moreen create a truly fun show about this crazy journey we call life! Songs of Bricusse & Newley, Schmidt & Jones, Fred & Ginger, Steve & Eydie, Joni Mitchell & Irving Berlin.
“A Little Touch Of Coward in the Night”
Celebrating Noel Coward: Composer, lyricist, playwright, screenwriter, actor, Las Vegas Cabaret star, and more. Songs include Why do the Wrong People Travel? Don’t Put Your Daughter on the Stage, Mrs. Worthington, If Love Were All, Mad About the Boy.
“Berlin to Broadway to Hollywood; The Music of Kurt Weill”
This evening features such brilliant Weill songs as Speak Low, Pirate Jenny, September Song, Mack The Knife, It Never Was You and The Bilbao Song.
“A Marvelous Party!” An evening of musical characters
Suzanne invites audience favorites to her gathering, conjuring up Beatrice Lillie, Edith Piaf and Mrs. Wentworth –Brewster as well as some of her favorite stage and film roles. Songs include Maud, Miss Otis Regrets, Milord, The Ladies who Lunch, I’ve Been To a Marvelous Party.
“Cabaret Ladies”
Love lost and found through the eyes of the ladies of the songs. “One of her greatest strengths as a performer is as a storyteller…Petri and her cast of characters make us want to take the this tour over and over.” Jeff Rossen Cabaret Scenes
“Live, Laugh, Love and All That Jazz” Broadway and Beyond
Music of Sondheim, Kander and Ebb, Mercer, Arlen, Rodgers and Hart, and more
“La Dishe Does La Tucker” The life and songs of Sophie Tucker.
“A Tribute to Beatrice Lillie” Lady Peel, “The Funniest Woman Alive,” her story and her music, including “Maud”, “I Hate Spring”, “I’m So Weary of it All” and “There Are Fairies at the Bottom of our Garden.”
“I’m Still Here … I Think” How a little fire can change your world, so Here’s to Life!” This four star show celebrates survival and living life to the fullest. Ms. Petri is certainly up to that, and she’s put together one fun evening of song and celebration. “ Todd Shuman, Cabaret Hotline
“Songs In the Key of Diva” American and European Cabaret
Songs of Brel, Piaf, Porter, Gershwin, Mercer, Arlen, Herman and more.
An evening can be tailored to a specific era or style from a wide repertoire of Cabaret, Jazz and Popular Song.
Cabaret, Jazz or Popular Song Evenings. An evening can be tailored to a specific era or style from a wide repertoire.
“Here’s to the Lives of the Ladies” Celebrating great women singers and songwriters: Blossom Dearie, Eartha Kitt, Bea Lillie, Peggy Lee, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Edith Piaf, Alberta Hunter and more.
“Love Songs: The Ups and Downs of Love” An eclectic evening of love, romantic and vengeful, we cover it all!
“Berlin/Paris/New York: Intimate Nights” A journey through the great days of musical mastery and intimate nights.